Did you know that if you boil broccoli it loses 50% of its vitamins?
This study published that boiling Brocolli actually leads to a loss in many micro nutrients, chlorophyll, vitamin C, and total soluble proteins.
So, here’s also an amazing recipe for you, if you want to try and eat it raw. Or, maybe opt for a little roast instead?
1) Brocolli (Medium)
2) Cilantro or Parsley or both (100-200g)
3) Pomegranate (150-250g)
1) Lemon (2 tablespoons)
2) Apple Cider Vinagre (1 tablespoon)
3) Salt/Pepper (to taste)
4) Sesame Oil (5-10 tablespoons depending on how you like it)
5) Tahini (2-3 tablespoons depending on how you like it)
6) Honey/Mape Syrup/Sweetener (optional)
1) Grate the broccoli (or finely cut), finely cut, and shop the Cilantro and/or Parsley
2) Mix the Sauce ingredients
3) Add all of the ingredients into a bowl, mix and enjoy!